Join us to explore the spaces where creativity and mindfulness meet. Over the course of six online meetings, you will be invited to create art, share your work with others in the workshop, and give, as well as receive, warm reflection. You will be guided to use embodied mindfulness and listening practices to slow down, make space, and be fully present. During our time together we will build community to support inspiration, insight, and healing.
Registration Open!
Workshop Dates & Times:
October 17, 24, 31 November 7, 14, 21 | 2024
7:30-9:00 PM Eastern Time
Additional Workshop Details Below
Creative Listening Circles
October 17 -
November 21, 2024
Workshop Facilitators
Aaron Solomon

Aaron Solomon, True Dharma Fulfillment, is a mindfulness teacher, counselor, mediator, trauma healer, and climate justice activist. For 14 years he lived as a Buddhist monastic in the Plum Village tradition as a student of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. He is an ordained Dharma teacher in this tradition. Aaron works 1-on-1 and with groups in the field of trauma healing and is trained in Somatic Experiencing. He also teaches and shares the practice of Nonviolent Communication. Aaron has been active in supporting young adult mindfulness communities, organizing and leading listening circles, and supporting a wide array of communities engaged in social transformation and healing, including climate justice activism and Earth-Holding. He is a current member of the North American Earth-holder Community’s Care-Taking Council. Aaron currently lives and works at Deer Park Monastery in Southern California. He enjoys spending time in solitude, and with friends, in the wild spaces of forests, mountains, and oceans—sometimes teaching mindful climbing and mindful surfing.
Tavis Linsin

Tavis Linsin is a poet, guitarist, teacher, and researcher. He is the Founding Director of Creative Inquiry Labs—a growing community engaged in creative practice and inquiry to support healing and transformational learning for individuals, organizations, and communities. Tavis was a Lecturer at Boston University and has taught at the University of Massachusetts Lowell and Endicott College. He has provided education consulting support to local, national, and international nonprofit education organizations, including the International Rescue Committee, Save the Children, Berklee College of Music, the Community Music Center of Boston, and Calmer Choice. He founded a music program in Hermosa Valley School in Costa Rica. He also served as a research fellow at the ASER Centre in India, where he conducted research to support children’s learning in rural government schools. He received a PhD in education from the University of Washington in Seattle, a master’s in arts in education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and a Bachelor of Music from Berklee College of Music. He is a student of Zen Buddhism in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh.
Workshop Details
Registration & Costs
Suggested Contribution. The suggested contribution range is $50-$175 for the 6-week workshop. Please select the contribution amount that is right for you when you register.
All Welcome. We will not turn anyone away because of financial limitations. Please email us if these contribution amounts are a hardship for you: tavislinsin@creativeinquirylabs.com
About Creative Listening Circles
We will offer guidance and support practices to encourage—
Learn to pause and to listen deeply.
Develop your ability to be present in the body, noticing the body, noticing the feelings, and noticing mental activity.
Explore your creative edge and take creative risks to stretch beyond your current edge.
Cultivate artistic wildness, joy, and inspiration.
Nourishing Connection with Others
Learn to engage in embodied listening and presencing for others, using resonant embodied communication.
Deepen your ability to reflect (share back to another person) emotional qualities, salient or resonant points, needs/wants.
Practice sharing from your heart, with vulnerability, what is most creatively alive for you.
Learn to offer your creative work in ways that support individual and collective healing.
Additional Information: contact tavislinsin@creativeinquirylabs.com